.com domain price in Pakistan

.Com Domain Price in Pakistan: 10 Best Tips Inside

In Pakistan’s digital market, having an online presence is crucial for businesses, organizations, and individuals. One key aspect of this presence is securing a domain name, with the .com extension being highly favored worldwide. But understanding the .com domain price in Pakistan involves a mix of factors, making it quite complex. 

Did you know that the average cost of a .com domain in Pakistan ranges from Rs.1,500 to Rs.8,000 per year? đź’ˇ

In this guide, I’ll break down everything you need to know about .com domain pricing in Pakistan, including the factors influencing it and strategies to make informed decisions.

Factors Affecting .com Domain Price in Pakistan

Many factors play a significant role in .com domain registration, particularly within the context of Pakistan’s digital market. As the online sphere continues to evolve, the process of securing a .com domain in Pakistan is influenced by a number of factors, ranging from technical considerations to market dynamics.

By understanding these factors comprehensively, individuals and businesses can navigate the domain registration process with clarity and confidence, ensuring they secure a domain name that aligns with their goals and resonates with their target audience.

Domain Availability

The availability of .com domain name is a primary factor. If the domain you want is already registered by someone else, you’ll need to choose an alternative name or consider purchasing the domain from its current owner (if it’s for sale).

Registration Fees

Registration fees vary depending on the registrar and the domain name. Premium domain names, which are shorter or more desirable, may require higher registration fees.

Registrar Policies

Each domain registrar may have its own policies regarding registration procedures, pricing, renewal options, and additional services offered. It’s essential to choose a registrar that aligns with your specific requirements.

Domain Extensions

While .com is one of the most popular domain extensions, there are many others to choose from (e.g., .net, .org, .biz). The availability of different extensions can impact registration decisions.

SEO Considerations

Some individuals and businesses may consider SEO factors when choosing a domain name, such as including relevant keywords or ensuring the domain is easy to remember and type. In my experience, 

Renewal Policies

Understanding the renewal and transfer policies of the registrar is crucial for maintaining ownership of the domain. Some registrars may offer cheap price at the time of domain registration and charge higher at the time of domain.

Technical Considerations

Factors such as DNS management, domain privacy protection, and email forwarding options may influence the .com domain price in Pakistan and the choice of registrar.

Registration Period

You’ll also need to choose the registration period for your .com domain. Typically, registrars offer registration options ranging from one to ten years. Select the duration that best suits your needs.

Companies Offering .com Domains in Pakistan:

The first step is to choose a domain registrar that offers .com domain registration services in Pakistan. Several reputable companies provide this service, including both local and international registrars.

Several companies offer .com domain registration services in Pakistan, including:

GoDaddy: A leading international domain registrar that offers .com domain registration services in Pakistan.

.Com domain price offered by GoDaddy in 2024 starts around Rs.4,999 per year without domain privacy protection. But if domain privacy price is included with the price of domain, which GoDaddy usually charge around Rs.2,777 then .Com domain price may cost you in Pakistan from GoDaddy around Rs.7,776. 

Namecheap: Another popular registrar known for its competitive pricing and user-friendly interface.

In 2024, Namecheap offers .com domain prices starting at $5.98 per year in Pakistan. But this price is only for the first year, after first year, the price for .com domain by Namecheap goes up to $11.98 per year which I think is a still good option as compared to GoDaddy. Because this price of $11.87 comes with domain privacy protection, so you don’t need to pay extra for domain privacy.

Hosterpk: A web hosting company that also provides domain registration services, including .com domains. But they provide .com domain often bundled with hosting package.

Hostinger: Similar to Hosterpk, Hostinger offers .com domain registration bundled with hosting package.

PKNIC: The official registry for .pk domains in Pakistan also offers .com domain registration services.

10 Best Tips To Find Cheap .Com Domain?

Finding a cheap .com domain requires a combination of research, strategic planning, and leveraging available resources. Here are some tips to help you find affordable .com domains:

1- Compare Prices

Conduct thorough research and compare .com domain prices offered by different registrars. Many domain registrar websites have price comparison tools that allow you to quickly assess pricing variations and identify the most cost-effective options.

2- Look for Promotional Offers

Keep an eye out for promotional offers, discounts, and coupon codes provided by registrars. Many registrars offer special deals for first-time customers or during specific promotional periods. Subscribe to registrar newsletters or follow them on social media to stay updated on the latest offers.

3- Bundle Services

Opt for domain registration packages that include value-added services such as hosting, email, or SSL certificates. Bundling services together can often result in significant cost savings compared to purchasing them separately. Evaluate your online needs and choose a package that offers the most value for your budget.

4- Consider Multi-Year Registrations

Some registrars offer discounted rates for multi-year domain registrations. Consider registering your .com domain for multiple years to lock in favorable pricing and avoid annual renewal fee fluctuations. This approach can provide long-term cost savings and peace of mind regarding domain ownership.

5- Utilize Domain Auctions

Explore domain auction platforms where individuals and businesses sell domain names they no longer need. You may find .com domains at lower prices through auctions, especially if the domain has been previously owned or is considered less desirable by others.

6- Explore Alternative Domain Extensions

While .com domains are popular and widely recognized, alternative domain extensions like .net, .org, or country-code extensions like .pk may offer cheaper alternatives. Assess whether a different extension aligns with your branding and online objectives while fitting within your budget constraints.

7- Negotiate with Sellers

If you’re interested in purchasing a specific .com domain that is already owned by someone else, consider reaching out to the domain owner to inquire about purchasing options. Negotiating directly with the seller may allow you to secure the domain at a lower price than listed.

8- Keep an Eye on Renewal Rates

While focusing on initial registration costs is important, it’s equally crucial to consider renewal rates when assessing the affordability of .com domains. Some registrars may offer low introductory rates but significantly higher renewal fees. Ensure you understand the long-term costs associated with owning the domain.

9- Use Domain Backorder Services

If a desired .com domain is already registered but set to expire soon, consider using domain backorder services offered by some registrars. These services monitor domain availability and attempt to register the domain on your behalf if it becomes available for registration again.

10- Seek Community Recommendations

Reach out to online communities, forums, or social media groups related to domain registration and web hosting. Fellow members may share their experiences and recommend registrars or strategies for finding cheap .com domains based on their own research and insights.


Researching the cost of .com domains in Pakistan might seem tricky, but with some know-how, you can make smart choices that match your online goals. Whether you’re just starting out in business, already established, or dreaming of becoming a blogger, getting a .com domain is key to being online. When picking where to get your domain, think about the reputation of the company, how clear their prices are, and any extra services they offer. By understanding how .com domain price in Pakistan works and following these tips, you can start your online adventure feeling sure of yourself.

We hope this guide has provided clarity on .com domain pricing in Pakistan. Do you have any experiences or insights to share regarding domain registration in Pakistan? Feel free to leave a comment below and join the conversation!

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What is the average price of a .com domain in Pakistan?

The average price of a .com domain in Pakistan varies depending on the domain registrar and any ongoing promotional offers. Typically, .com domain registration prices in Pakistan range from PKR 1,500 to PKR 3,000 per year but this the only case if you buy .com domain bundled with hosting package. However, if you are going only for .com domain then its price range is PKR 4,000 to PKR 8,000. Prices may fluctuate based on factors such as registrar reputation, additional services included, and registration duration.

Are there any .com domain discounts available in Pakistan?

Yes, many domain registrars in Pakistan offer discounts and promotional deals for .com domain registration. These discounts may include special pricing for first-time registrants, bundled packages with hosting services, or seasonal promotions. It’s advisable to explore different registrar websites and stay updated on current offers to avail of potential discounts.

Which hosting providers offer the lowest prices for .com domains in Pakistan?

Several hosting providers in Pakistan offer competitive prices for .com domain registration. Some of the hosting providers known for offering low prices for .com domains include GoDaddy, Namecheap, HostBreak, PakHost, and HosterPK. It’s recommended to compare pricing, features, and customer reviews to find the best fit for your needs.

Can I transfer my existing .com domain to a Pakistani registrar?

Yes, it is possible to transfer an existing .com domain to a Pakistani registrar. Most Pakistani registrars support domain transfers and provide step-by-step guides or customer support to assist with the process. However, ensure that your domain is eligible for transfer (e.g., not within the first 60 days of registration or not in a redemption period) and follow the transfer process outlined by both the current and new registrars.

Are there any additional charges associated with .com domain registration in Pakistan?

While the base registration fee covers the cost of securing the .com domain, there may be additional charges associated with domain registration in Pakistan. These charges could include ICANN fees, privacy protection fees (if opted for), domain renewal fees after the initial registration period, and taxes. It’s essential to review the registrar’s terms and conditions to understand any potential additional charges associated with .com domain registration.

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